The faction made up of Free Voters and FOR Karlsruhe stands for an increase in the attractiveness of public transport and is the Opinion that switching from cars to buses and trains will only succeed if on the one hand the cost side is attractive and on the other hand the quality is right. The parliamentary group asked the city administration what the impact would be the introduction of a 365 euro annual ticket would have. For this purpose, the KVV should expected increases in sales the additional costs due to more lanes and drivers, etc. to face.
“Around In order to be able to make qualified decisions, it is important to consider the cost and to know the income side exactly,” says City Councilor Friedemann Kalmbach announce. There is also the question of what subsidies will be provided by the state in the future and federal government are also to be expected. According to City Councilor Petra Lorenz, “it is essential that all urban areas and districts are well developed and all stops have short intervals” when more people get on the train should change.
In 96 percent live in Vienna, where the €365 annual ticket has been available since 2012 of the urban population no further than 500 meters from the nearest stop removed. This factor -accessibility- is also decisive, whether the offer is perceived as attractive. Therefore, the FW | FOR parliamentary group, according to city council Jürgen Wenzel, the question of what percentage of the Karlsruhe population currently can be reached by public transport and which areas of the city are poorly developed are.
Of Furthermore, the request was made, as the administration of the KVV presented e-tariff model “Home Zone” in relation to increased use of the estimate public transport.